

1. Dubai, Madinat Jumeirah
2. Dubai, Madinat Jumeirah - sunset
3. Dubai, Madinat Jumeirah - light bulbs
4. Dubai, Burj Khalifa - at the top
5. Dubai, Madinat Jumeirah
6. Bangkok, Thailand - Hindu temple
7. Dubai, Jumeirah beach - sunset

How do we remember things? In one movie, the name of which I am not able to recall right now, I've heard that what lasts in our memory is not the whole image but just some trivia, peculiarities, silliness. This theory appeales to me a lot as my memories would usually consist of these seemingly insignificant details. That being so, I would memorise the sound of somebody drinking and swallowing water as well as I would be able to identify a family member by them inserting the keys in a keyhole while I'm at home (I wonder what my insertion sounds like). Also, I would recollect the feeling of love and gratitude when, paradoxically, I went down on my knees on a desert while being sick. The solicitous calmness at the top of Burj Khalifa - world's tallest building, the aroma of Dubai's airport, the five-a-day reminders to pray in any Islamic country and the accompanying goosebumps every time I hear them. It seems senses are much involved, aren't they? And sometimes you just desist from taking photos in favour of seizing the moment, making it a sole memory of yours...

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